Healing Adventures to Guatemala and Colombia
Seeking healing at its root source has always been a non-negotiable for me. So that’s why I’m traveling to Guatemala to learn with the indigenous healers and shamans who work with Source energy.
The Akashic Records are the repository of every thought, word, and deed of every living being, good, bad, and awful, in all times; past, present, future. But those familiar with the records report that there is no judgment or implied penalty in the records — they are said to simply be a record of each soul’s journey through the infinite.
Seeking healing at its root source has always been a non-negotiable for me. So that’s why I’m traveling to Guatemala to learn with the indigenous healers and shamans who work with Source energy.
Expanding My Consciousness with Ernesto Ortiz. A late-winter/early spring trip to Guatemala to meditate, learn, expand myself as an Intuitive.
It is a much used idiom…but what exactly is a QUANTUM LEAP? A quantum leap is a change in status from one set of circumstances to another set of circumstances that takes place immediately, without passing through the circumstances in between.